Imogen Dangerfield wept salty tears on the edge of the chemical soaked embankment as the train hit the receiver switch. The shock wave from the explosion hit her in the chest and knocked her into the undergrowth. The damp earth swallowed her up and spat her back out onto cold steel.
12:00:01 PM, Thollon-le Baines, French Alps, Wednesday 12.04.03
Imogen’s warm blood collected in a pool on the metal walkway. A large framed man, dressed in green fatigues, lifted her limp body onto his shoulders and gestured to a CCTV camera positioned in the corner of the room. He looked into the convex lens and started to speak “We got her back Swedish. Send a message to Colonel Blue. The war has begun.”
14:02:30 PM, Class 4B, Parkfield High School, Liverpool, Friday 12.04.94
Monk Blue gave Felicity a wink as he leaned across the row of desks and placed his tattered maths book on her desk. He pointed at the back cover, where he had written a message in black biro. She read the message and passed the book back. “Dangerfield did it then. Do you fancy another adventure?” she asked Monk. “Why, where are we going?” he replied.
“How does 'The Red City' sound?” a grin developed on her face.
“It sounds wonderful darling” he responded. “Do we get the chance to kill the bastard this time?”
“Of course we do Monkey. Do me a favour and alert the Dandelion Brigade.” She continued with her algebraic equation.

“Right O, Mam.” He gave her a mock salute. Felicity responded by sticking her tongue out and flagrantly displaying her middle finger.
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